File will not open, a window pops up and states "In order to open this file,
works needs to use a file converter which my pose as a security risk if file
you are opening is a malicious file. Choose OK to open file only if you are
sure it is from a trusted source." OK Next window "Works cannot open
file. The file may be in use by other application, the file format may not
be supported by any of the installed coverters, or file my be corrupt"
My computer is new and have other files saved on Word Processor and have no
problems with those but only with this particutar file which has allot of
research on it. Can you help?
works needs to use a file converter which my pose as a security risk if file
you are opening is a malicious file. Choose OK to open file only if you are
sure it is from a trusted source." OK Next window "Works cannot open
file. The file may be in use by other application, the file format may not
be supported by any of the installed coverters, or file my be corrupt"
My computer is new and have other files saved on Word Processor and have no
problems with those but only with this particutar file which has allot of
research on it. Can you help?