Bruce McF
From posts here and on the Dev forum, it sounds like baselines may not store
properly on the server under SP1 (Dec CU). We see missing Baseline Work and
BCWS, for example, even when we baseline using Tools/Tracking/Set Baseline.
Does anyone have a reliable workaround/process to ensure that all baseline
data is stored? If there was something we could do to rebaseline existing
projects now reliably, we could generate reporting ... until we can get SP2
properly on the server under SP1 (Dec CU). We see missing Baseline Work and
BCWS, for example, even when we baseline using Tools/Tracking/Set Baseline.
Does anyone have a reliable workaround/process to ensure that all baseline
data is stored? If there was something we could do to rebaseline existing
projects now reliably, we could generate reporting ... until we can get SP2