Workbook Formulas



I hope I explain this right! I need to create a master worksheet in a
workbook that has several columns related to different descriptors of
projects. Each project description takes up a row and about ten different
columns with field information containing due dates, description of project,
project manager, etc. The first column would ideally be filled in with key
words, letters or numbers that corresponded to a different project type
(environmental, water, contaminated sites, etc) so that in the other
worksheets, if the numbers/letters in the master worksheet applied to those
different worksheets (each one a different type of project), the information
in the entire row would automatically transfer over to the worksheets each
row correlated with. So if you entered information into the master worksheet
and the project dealt with three different project types, all of the
information would transfer into the three worksheets according to type???

Jacob Skaria

In sheet2 and subsequent sheets try VLOOKUP...

--MAster sheet contains the key number in ColA and subsequent
--Sheet2 Col A contain the key number

Enter the below formula in Sheet2 B2; will return the second column

The below will return the 3rd row info

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