Workbook saved in FTP folder



At home, I saved a workbook in an FTP folder provided by Hostrator. I can
open and modify (i.e. resave) this workbook without problems at home.

While I can open the same workbook at my work place, I cannot modify it - it
always opens as Read-Only despite the file permissions being loosen to allow
everyone read, write, and execute access.

What could be the cause of this Read-Only problem (there's definitely nobody
else who's got the workbook open simultaneously). If you've had this problem
before (not necessarily with Hostrator but at any other FTP site) and
managed to overcome the problem, I would love to hear from you.



There is probably a firewall at work that is blocking access to the file.
Virsus protection programs and spam blocker may also contribute to the


I have the reverse problem at home as well (just found out). A workbook
first saved at work in the FTP folder will open as Read-Only at home.

There's a Japanese FTP site at tok2 which is perfectly fine though -
write-access both at home and at work not a problem. Unfortunately I can't
register an account with tok2.

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