Workbook Set-Up Questions


Lance B


I need some ideas on the best way to set up an Excel workbook for the
following scenario:

I receive a .csv file weekly that contains 20 colleague names (this number
fluctuates weekly) with 30 data points that need to be tracked. The file
contains my colleagues' names as a "row label" in column A (beginning in cell
A:2) and each of the 30 data points as column labels (beginning in cell B:1).
I need to track this data each week throughout the year.

I have several questions:

Is it best to set up one worksheet for each colleague or one worksheet for
each week and then a "summary" sheet for each colleague?
Since the "row labels" (ie, number of colleagues) change each week is there
a way to "consolidate" (hlookup?) or write a macro so that each row of data
is copied into the appropriate worksheet automatically (assuming there's a
worksheet for each colleague)?

Using a database program is not an option, management requires an Excel

The goal here is to provide each colleague with a weekly report of their
performance (the 30 data points) over time but to do it as effeciently as
possible so that I'm not spending half a day copying and pasting from
worksheet to another.

Any suggestions and recommendations are appreciated.


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