This workbook with a half dozen worksheets keeps my checking account info.
The largest is the History sheet with 4100 rows, 9 columns, no calculation.
Next is the Current sheet with 700 rows, 9 columns, numerous calculations
including links to a "checks cleared" sheet .
Up until a couple months ago this file increased by about 50K/mo; now it's
increasing by 500K. I've made no significant increases in the rate at which
I've added data.
Just scrolling down in the Current sheet is slow and CPU use jumps to 50%.
I get the same result even with auto-recalculation off.
I've run the Error checking tool, and it didn't find anything.
I've eliminated the History sheet.
What's going on?
The largest is the History sheet with 4100 rows, 9 columns, no calculation.
Next is the Current sheet with 700 rows, 9 columns, numerous calculations
including links to a "checks cleared" sheet .
Up until a couple months ago this file increased by about 50K/mo; now it's
increasing by 500K. I've made no significant increases in the rate at which
I've added data.
Just scrolling down in the Current sheet is slow and CPU use jumps to 50%.
I get the same result even with auto-recalculation off.
I've run the Error checking tool, and it didn't find anything.
I've eliminated the History sheet.
What's going on?