Workbooks_beforeclose() function and out of disk space




I have disabled the SAVE AS on my sheet, so users will not be able to
save documents on their personal folder.

I am having trouble dealing with closing the workbook and saving.

I am using the workbooks_beforeclose function and ActiveWorkbook.close
Save=true or something like that (cant remember th ecorrect syntax).

It works fine, but only if there is enough disk space.
We have limited disk space.

I tried to catch the error with ON ERROR GOTO Errohandler:
and at ERRORHANDLER: I do a check if the error is 1004 and display a
message to warn users about it and then exit sub.
The problem is that excel does not stop the closing process and it
then asks if the user wants to save/discard or cancel the changes...

Thats because after exit sub in the errorhandler, excell restarts the
function again???

How can I avoid this?

Tom Hutchins

The Workbook_BeforeClose function has a Cancel argument. If your error
handler sets this argument to True, the close operation should stop, leaving
the workbook open.

Hope this helps,


Gord Dibben


What means have employed to prevent users from copying the sheets to a new
workbook and saving that?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP



Good question.
The sheets are locked and macros are necessary to function properly,
if someone would copy the worksheet to a different workbook it would
be useless.
But your question raises another one more important, what if the user
in explorer copies the file to a different name and uses it?
I guess I will need to check the filename afterall. hmmm

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