Jon Lewis
Ever since I put my company's common templates on our server as workgroup
templates, we have had no end of problems with the app. Some of these are:
messages about changes affecting the normal template - do we want to save?,
phantom (~$) versions of templates and docs remaining in the templates
folder after the relevant doc(s) or application is closed. A new Normal.dot
template appering on the server when Word is opened on a client pc even
though a Normal.dot template exists locally. Problems saving docs and
opening new docs based on the workgroup templates. Are there some rules or
best pratices re workgroup templates that I might not be following? Office
97 BTW, various clients, SBS2000 server.
templates, we have had no end of problems with the app. Some of these are:
messages about changes affecting the normal template - do we want to save?,
phantom (~$) versions of templates and docs remaining in the templates
folder after the relevant doc(s) or application is closed. A new Normal.dot
template appering on the server when Word is opened on a client pc even
though a Normal.dot template exists locally. Problems saving docs and
opening new docs based on the workgroup templates. Are there some rules or
best pratices re workgroup templates that I might not be following? Office
97 BTW, various clients, SBS2000 server.