Working application - Now generates error



I had an working macro application which integrates our intranet data
into excel sheet by using internet explorer. It was working fine till 3
days back but now generates error as below.

Runtime error'-2147024894 (80070002)':
Automation error
The system can not find the file specified.
The buttons are End, Debug, Help.

This happens on the very first statement which is below.
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

Macro do not refers to any file atall. It creates a new workbook with a
new sheet. But thats after getting the data from intranet.

I dont understand why it breaks after running successfully from last
6months(may be more then that)

Any help is appreciated.


Dave Peterson

It looks like it's having trouble starting MSIE.

Maybe you can catch the error and display a message instead.

Option Explicit
Sub testm()

Dim ie As Object

Set ie = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
On Error GoTo 0

If ie Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "IE Could not be started"
Exit Sub '???
End If

ie.Visible = True 'for testing

End Sub

But that doesn't help find the reason MSIE couldn't be started. I don't have a
guess for that -- as long as MSIE is still installed on that pc(???).

If you don't get a better answer here, you may want to try one of the MSIE


Oh Thanks Dave,
Now I atleast know where to look. Just for your information,

MSIE installed and works just fine even now.
The same problem is with Excel. If I click on any hyperlink in cell,
error pops up saying there was an unexpected error. Again in Outlook
also the same problem. It does not opens url links in the message.

Anyway, now I will look into the MSIE groups.


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