Working from a master list within different workbooks.

  • Thread starter Paxmal(AT)
  • Start date


I have read through many posts and have not yet found my particular question
addressed even in an oblique way.

I am a landscape architect, my plans contain a wide variety of plant
species, varities, and sizes.

I would like to create a master list of all species names, varieties and
sizes, such that for each project I can open a new workbook and populate the
list of plants with use of my mouse with no keyboard entries necessary.

There are three variables for each entry: species (Acer rubrum) variety
('October Glory') and size (2-2.5" caliper), such that for any given species
there are several to many varieties and perhaps 12 diferent size options.

I find that it is a great time sink to input these data over and over again
for each plan/workbook and the auto-complete function and 'right click' "pick
from list" only works for previous entries within that column and workbook.

I use excel in more sophistocated ways, but this seemingly simple function
eludes me.

thank you in advance

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