Working out of Statistics on Exam Results URGENT solution needed!



(e-mail address removed) was thinking very hard :

I posted in the Excel and Macro group but hope that someone in this group
might also be able to assist.

I have a Grade 8 schedule from which I want to generate STATS as it is in the
case with the Grade 9 Schedule, both files in above link

I assume the original workbook is a template (XLT) and so begs to ask
why the 'Stats' sheet isn't the same in the Gr8 workbook as it is in
the Gr9 workbook? If not, why not just copy the sheet to the Gr9

BTW, the file you link to is over 9MB. I don't see enough content in
there to cause the file to be that large when it doesn't need to be!


HI Garry
Thanx for your response, the Grade 8 and Grade 9 files as you can see yourself are two widely different documents even the diffence in size makes it clear there is a vast difference.If u have downloaded the Grade 9 file you would have seen how different the two files are , there is actually very little in common althought both attempt to produce the same outcome. Why the Grade 9 file is so HUGE in size has also puzzled me. I guess the guy who wrote it did many editing on it and ALL those info is stored within the document. He should have copied and pasted it into a new workbook so that ALL the editing data does not clog up the file.

I trust u will be able to help me PLEASE


The two sheets were written obviously be two different persons over which we have no control, all I want to have the same functionality for the grade 8 sheet in order to work out the stats as is the case with the Grade 9 sheet.If u can help please assist


(e-mail address removed) formulated on Sunday :
HI Garry
Thanx for your response, the Grade 8 and Grade 9 files as you can see
yourself are two widely different documents even the diffence in size makes
it clear there is a vast difference.If u have downloaded the Grade 9 file you
would have seen how different the two files are , there is actually very
little in common althought both attempt to produce the same outcome. Why the
Grade 9 file is so HUGE in size has also puzzled me. I guess the guy who
wrote it did many editing on it and ALL those info is stored within the
document. He should have copied and pasted it into a new workbook so that ALL
the editing data does not clog up the file.

I trust u will be able to help me PLEASE

I could not see a download link for the Fr8 file, only the Gr9. Perhaps
you could put both in a zip and upload that so they download together.



I hope u were able to download the Grade 8 file by now. The grade 9 only is an example of what I want w.r.t. the STATS

Please be so kind as to assist as I need this info post haste


(e-mail address removed) presented the following explanation :

I hope u were able to download the Grade 8 file by now. The grade 9 only is
an example of what I want w.r.t. the STATS

Please be so kind as to assist as I need this info post haste

Yes, I did download the Gr8 file. I will look at it tmo (Mon).


How can I copy all the Grade 8 class sheets from the other teachers into one sheet,maybe that is the way forward


(e-mail address removed) explained :
How can I copy all the Grade 8 class sheets from the other teachers into one
sheet,maybe that is the way forward

I don't see any relationship between the 2 files. There are no class
sheets in the Gr8 file. Are you referring to the "Report Card" sheet?



When I say class I mean a different sheet, each class teacher e.g the teacher of grade 8a or grade 8b gets a copy of this sheet into which they type their marks.So in order to eventually get the stats I was asking about , would it not b easier to paste or import all the other sheets into one sheet and then try to write some macro to add up all the different codes per subject


(e-mail address removed) explained on 10/11/2011 :

When I say class I mean a different sheet, each class teacher e.g the teacher
of grade 8a or grade 8b gets a copy of this sheet into which they type their
marks.So in order to eventually get the stats I was asking about , would it
not b easier to paste or import all the other sheets into one sheet and then
try to write some macro to add up all the different codes per subject

Yeah, that might be the way to go with this particular project.
However, doing so would pretty much require a re-design of the overall
structure. That said, it would be better to consider an entirely
different approach than to continue to 'bandage' this project any

The approach I'm familiar with uses a single worksheet for each class
based on subject, and contains 'modules' for each subject that class
takes during the term/semester. All scores are recorded on this sheet
as well as the grades report, which includes letter grade, percent
average, and grade point average. For example, every subject taken by
Gr9c would be on Sheets("Gr9C") along with the final progress report.
Final grades are determined by user-specified criteria in a
GradesTable. This means that some students will appear on several class
sheets based on subject. Per student summary reports can then be easily
created by pulling stats from the term report section of each class
sheet they're found on.

My conclusion after reviewing the Gr9 file is that although brilliantly
done, the project is way more complicated than it needs to be. Also, it
would have been better if the author used a context-sensitive custom
toolbar instead of the multitude of redundant controls on each
worksheet. Thus, it's understandable why the file is over 9MB!


After serious thinking (e-mail address removed) wrote :

When I say class I mean a different sheet, each class teacher e.g the teacher
of grade 8a or grade 8b gets a copy of this sheet into which they type their
marks.So in order to eventually get the stats I was asking about , would it
not b easier to paste or import all the other sheets into one sheet and then
try to write some macro to add up all the different codes per subject

After additional review of your project I may have an idea for a simple

You can add subject columns to the 'Names' sheet (or use a new
'SummaryScores' sheet) and use formulas to collect the scores for each
term. This would require adding local defined names to each subject
sheet for the learners list and score columns, as well as the names
list on the summary sheet.

On Sheets("SummaryScores"):
Make sure the names list is configured EXACTLY the same as on the
subject sheets.
Select the entire list of learner names;
In the NameBox (left side of FormulaBar) type...
..and press the 'Enter' key

Repeat this for each subject sheet, substituting the sheet tab name

Repeat for each term column of each subject sheet:

Example for Sheets("Maths"):
Select the entire results column for Term1;
In the NameBox type 'Maths'!Term1

Repeat for each remaining term.

On Sheets("SummaryScores"):
Select the entire Maths:Term1 column and enter the following formula...
...hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press the 'Enter' key.

Select the entire Maths:Term2 column and enter the following formula...
...hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press the 'Enter' key.

...and so on.

Optionally, you could just collect the values in the Final Mark column
if you don't want/need the term marks on this sheet.

Note that using SUMIF is more concise than using a lookup function and
will return zero instead of an error. If you don't want to see zeros
you can use ConditionalFormatting to change the font color to match the
cell shade.

Now all you need is an overall final mark column to average the subject

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