working out sums over a number of sheets



I use excel for my invoices, the way I do this is to have one template
invoice sheet and a file for each business year, within this book I insert
the template whenever I add an invoice, what I want to do is have one sheet
in each book called total and this sheet adds the overall values for each
invoice within that one book, so when my business year is over I have one
number of all my earnings for that year on the total sheet. the cell which
the total for each invoice is on is F,65. Is there a way of doing this or am
I missing something, it seems to me to be a very easy thing to want to do.

Thanks for any help given



Refer to the example as follows :-

=SUM('Six-Cpx WOcounter:Sheet2'!A21) 'It's the worksheets and Cell
reference, you see.

Hold down the Shift key while you would be selecting the worksheets

It's easier to do than to explain.


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