Working then not working -- Calendar



Please help if you can.

My calendar has ceased working. Yes, I made some form changes and cannot
determine why my calendar no longer works.

In the dbl click event on my form: "=GetDate(Form!StartDate)"

When I dbl click the calendar opens, I select the date I want, my form
dissapears but the calendar remains. If I click a date again or close the
calendar an error message appears.

*** Error message follows: ***
formCalendar_Close, error 2467 Application Defined or Obect Defined error
see ...

Searching for #2467 yields only WinXP Pro Server issue. I'm on WinXP Home.

*** code follows ***
Option Explicit
' Place to save the pointer to the control to update
Public ctlThisControl As Control
' Switch to verify our SetControl method got called
Public intSet As Integer
' Variable to save the initial date value
Public varDate As Variant

Function GetDateClient(ctlToUpdate As Control)
Dim strActiveObjectName As String
On Error GoTo ProcErr

strActiveObjectName = Application.CurrentObjectName & "_GetDateClient"

'*** for recording update info when calendar is used to select date

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar" ' Open the Calendar form
' Call the form's SetControl method to pass it the control we want updated
Form_frmCalendar.SetControl ctlToUpdate
Forms![frm1VE Client].LastUpdate = Now
Forms![frm1VE Client].LastUpdate.Requer

Exit Function

DoCmd.Hourglass False
Application.Echo True
MsgBox "An error has occured in " & strActiveObjectName & ". @@" _
& "Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If this problem persists, note the error message
and " _
& "call your programmer.", , "Ooops . . . (unexpected error)"
Resume ProcExit
End Function

Can anyone help me?

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