Working with data in resource files, form relations



New to Infopath.

First, is it possible to refresh a resource file from the file system?
I must be brain-dead, 'cause I can't find any way to do this besides
killing data connections AND the resource files they depend on,
replacing the resource file then proceeding again from there.

But here's my main issue: If I have several attributes for my
elements, is there any way to set values in some controls based on a
value in an attribute that's otherwise not used in any form fields?
That needs context: Take a repeating table with two fields per row: a
drop-down that uses attribute A for value and attribute B for display
text, and a checkbox that needs to be checked depending on the value
of attribute C for the element selected in the drop-down.

If this were SQL I'd have the checkbox go true something like this:

select r.C from resourcefile r join combofield c on r.valueA =
c.valueA, etc.

I'm a bit stumped.

- S

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