Working with "Draw" elements



ord Office 2003

As I recall in previous versions of Word when I would go to insert a draw
element, like a line or shape, Word would just blinking cross hair at the
start point in my document, and then I could define the size and placement.

Now, instead, it immediately inserts a huge bordered box with "INSERT YOUR
DRAWING HERE." Eventually, after I define the draw element, and resize the
borders, the box goes away. But in the meantime it ruins the layout and
makes it difficult to size and position elements. Plus it adds a step or two.

I see no benefit to this new procedure.

Is it possible to get the Draw inserts to default to the previous method?
This new way is very inferior for my needs.

PS: Don't fix it if it ain't broke!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Disable the drawing canvas on the General tab of Tools | Options. A drawing
canvas is required in order to use working connectors and it can be
convenient for keeping AutoShapes together, resizing easily, etc. You can
always insert a drawing canvas if needed by using Insert | Picture | New

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