Working with dropdowns...please help



I'm setting up a spreadsheet using dropdown lists that a bank will use to
come up with a risk rating on a loan.

For instance:

The first dropdown is a list of class codes: 1 = auto loan, 2 = home loan,

The second is a list of collateral codes: 1000 = savings/CD's, 2000 =
business assets, 3000 = residence, etc...

I'd like to narrow the second list based on the first one, since certain
types of loans can only take certain types of collateral.

I know how to do this in MS Access, but I'm not sure how in Excel.

Each set of codes has its own sheet (i.e."LkupClassCodes"), and on a
different input sheet I've got it working so that each dropdown picks up all
the choices, but how would I go about narrowing that down depending on the
previous choice?

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you


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