Working with GroupWise


Harold Bruce

Okay...we have a strange setup, but here goes...

The main university uses GroupWise 6.5 and us in the
college (business) use Exchange 2003 and either Outlook
2002 or 2003. We want to be able to open both
applications at once.

What we have done:
Install Outlook 2003.
Configured for Exchange 2003 and runs fine.
Install Groupwise (windows messaging first, reboot,
complete setup of GroupWise).
Groupwise clears the Exchange/Outlook profile.
Groupwise runs fine.
Manually add Exchange to Outlook via the MAIL control

Under Outlook2003+Groupwise, I get the following:
AppName: outlook.exe AppVer: 11.0.5510.0
ModName: msmapi32.dll ModVer: 11.0.5601.0
fDebug: 0 Offset: 000293d6

Outlook refuses to open, just gives the same error
message with the option to start over.


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