working with rations in Excel



I have two figures one representing the number of employees in a
company and the other the number of shared cars. I want to find the
ration of employee to cars such as 1:4 and then have an optimal ratio
such as 1:2, calculate the difference between optimum ratio and actual
ratio and then in another cell display the number of cars to add to
fleet to arrive at the optimum ratio. How would you do that?

Any help would be appreciated.


With number of cars in A1 (eg 12) and number of employees in A2 (eg
25), this formula:

=TEXT(A1,"0 : ")&A2

will give you a ratio in the form:

12 : 25

However, you could not do any arithmetic on this or use it to carry
out arithmetic - but, all you need to do is use the values in A1 and
A2 directly.

Hope this helps.



With number of cars in A1 (eg 12) and number of employees in A2 (eg
25), this formula:

=TEXT(A1,"0 : ")&A2

will give you a ratio in the form:

12 : 25

However, you could not do any arithmetic on this or use it to carry
out arithmetic - but, all you need to do is use the values in A1 and
A2 directly.

Hope this helps.


Hello Pete

Thanks for the replay. I was actually able to get a very good ratio by
using the formula: =A1/GCD(A1)&":"&ROUND(A2/GCD(A1),0) and get an even
better representative ratio of 1:2; but my problem is how to then use
the result in other calculations such as what would be the ideal ratio
given a standard optimal ratio.In other words how to subtract to
result of this formula from another cell containing another ratio and
convert the result to additional cars needed.

Thanks for this suggestion and any other suggestions would be highly


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