I am trying to call to a second workbook, to a specific sheet, and a specific
range. The Hook here is that I want to select sheets based upon my if then
statements such that if cell B2 = "Rel 1a", then the code would jump to
Workbook "Release Plan (1,2,3,4).xls") and to Sheet = "Rel 1a" and select the
range =Range(xlApp.Cells(5, 6), xlApp.Cells(5, 26)). I cannot for the life of
figure out how to assemble the string. Could someone please point me in th
eright direction please.
Dim Max As String
Dim Xlmonth As String
Dim ShtRef As String
Dim xlrange As Excel.Range
Dim Project As Object
Dim Page As Object
Dim Totals As Object
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "Rel 1a" Then ShtRef = "Rel 1a"
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "CIS Release 1B.Published" Then ShtRef = "Rel 1b"
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "CIS Release 2_IVR" Then ShtRef = "Rel 2 - IVR"
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "CIS Release 3 - Development.mpp" Then ShtRef =
"Rel 3 Estimated"
Project = xlApp.Windows("Release Plan (1,2,3,4).xls")
Page = xlApp.Worksheets(ShtRef)
Totals = xlApp.Range(xlApp.Cells(5, 6), xlApp.Cells(5, 26))
xlrange = (Project & Page & Totals)
range. The Hook here is that I want to select sheets based upon my if then
statements such that if cell B2 = "Rel 1a", then the code would jump to
Workbook "Release Plan (1,2,3,4).xls") and to Sheet = "Rel 1a" and select the
range =Range(xlApp.Cells(5, 6), xlApp.Cells(5, 26)). I cannot for the life of
figure out how to assemble the string. Could someone please point me in th
eright direction please.
Dim Max As String
Dim Xlmonth As String
Dim ShtRef As String
Dim xlrange As Excel.Range
Dim Project As Object
Dim Page As Object
Dim Totals As Object
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "Rel 1a" Then ShtRef = "Rel 1a"
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "CIS Release 1B.Published" Then ShtRef = "Rel 1b"
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "CIS Release 2_IVR" Then ShtRef = "Rel 2 - IVR"
If xlApp.Range("B2") = "CIS Release 3 - Development.mpp" Then ShtRef =
"Rel 3 Estimated"
Project = xlApp.Windows("Release Plan (1,2,3,4).xls")
Page = xlApp.Worksheets(ShtRef)
Totals = xlApp.Range(xlApp.Cells(5, 6), xlApp.Cells(5, 26))
xlrange = (Project & Page & Totals)