Working without a word file/save errors



My colleague has endless trouble with Word 98. Whenever she tries t
save a file, she keeps getting the message: "You are working without
word file and memory is nearly full". She's running the software on a
iMac running OS9. Word also quits frequently, especially when printing
And sometimes her machine comes up with the message - Word could no
create the a work file.
We've tried dumping and reinstalling the programme numerous times, a
well as trashing preferences. Then we came across a link, whic
mentions the corruption of the data subkeys in the Windows register, o
the possibility that the file is too big (the latter option isn'
likely). It gives solutions, but for a PC rather than a Mac system. Ca
anyone shed any light on how we can resolve this infuriating bug

Beth Rosengard

I would suspect 1) that you need to assign more Preferred memory to Word 98
and 2) that if you failed to properly remove Word/Office 98 before
reinstalling, you've messed things up further instead of fixing them (among
other things, you may have retained corrupt preference files).

If you read the following article, you will find suggestions for dealing
with all of these issues:
(If using Safari, hit Refresh once or twice; better yet, use another browser
for this site.)

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard
MacOffice MVP

Mac Word FAQ: <>
(If using Safari, hit Refresh once or twice ­ or use another browser.)
Entourage Help Page: <>

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