Workplace Seating Chart



I have 22 computers lined up against a wall in one row and need a seating
plan for them. There are some restrictions:
- PC 1, 11 and 22 should always be assigned to a supervisor.
Supervisor names: Supervisor 1, Supervisor 11 and Supervisor 22
- Five other people (Expert Balancers) should each be assigned one of the
remaining PCs. The Expert Balancers will always get first choice on these
Expert Balancers names and PC assignment: Shirley - PC 5, Tamika - PC 9,
Tonya - PC 15, Dorea - PC 17, Faith - PC 19.
- I am looking at possible having two or three rows of names on the seating
chart after the above assumptions are met. Each seat (cell) in each row would
have a different name from the one above it.
- The 38 people, who are left, can be randomly assigned the remaining PCs.
- Maybe I need a sheet with Column A having a header name of Employee # and
Column B having a header name of Employee Name. This way when people leave
the department I simply change or delete them on this screen.
- Allow me to manually edit the completed chart without messing up any of the

Thanks very much,


You need to look and abuse a combinatoric system for this puzzle
something like 22,8,8,45
22 computers
8 fixed
mostly used for gaming


Let me reprhase my problem. There are 22 computers lined up against a wall.
PC # 1, 11 and 22 should ALWAYS be assigned to Supervisors Gayle, Chris and
Mary. I am thinking I should have a list of 19 primary operator names, on a
different sheet, from which to pull (do a lookup) to fill the remaining seats
(PCs.). The supervisor seats should never be over-written. These operators
names should be put into row 1 on the seating chart. Row 2 of the seating
chart will have PC # 1, 11 and 22 (supervisor seats) blank or using the above
supervisor names. Then there should be a list of 19 secondary users, on a
different sheet, from which to do a lookup, to fill the second row of 19
seats. The secondary list will contain some of the same names from the
primary list. Therefore, maybe the first row could be populated using the
names in descending order. And, the second row could be populaed using the
names in ascending order. This may be an easy way to eliminate having the
same name assigned to the same PC in both rows.
Also, there should be a way to refresh the seating chart when names are
added or deleted.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

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