Works 8, Word

  • Thread starter Jerome Nadelhaft
  • Start date

Jerome Nadelhaft

This is a slightly different question from one I had earlier asked when I
was looking for an inexpensive way to install just WORD. I bought Microsoft
Works Suite 2006 which according to the Microsoft web page and the box
information includes 6 programs: Digital Image, Word, Streets &Trips, Money,
Works, and Encarta.

There are 5 discs. The first one is labeled Microsoft Works Suite 2006
Setup, Micrsoft Works8, and Microsoft Word 2002.

I inserted that disc and was going to do a custom installation since all I
want--at least for the moment--is WORD. But the only choices that came up
were Works, Encarta, Digital Image, Streets..., and Money. In other words,
everything but WORD, even though that is clearly on the label of disc 1. Is
it part of Works, even though on the box it is listed separately?


Jerry N

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I guess we should have pointed out to you before that your questions are
quite a way off-topic for this newsgroup the purpose of which is to dealing
with issues related to the development of applications with Word software by
the use of Visual Basic or other programming methods.

Most of the people who frequent this newsgroup therefore use Office
Professional and are not familiar with the use of the Works Suite.

That said however, from what I have read, I understand that the Works Suite
does include Word. I would suggest therefore that you just do a typical
installation, (or at least install the Works part of it). However you may
find very good use for Streets and Trips if not for all of the other

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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