Worksheet Name Variable Problem



I'm trying to set the names of two worksheets. I have a macro in the first
one that opens the second worksheet, and writes data to several cells in the
2nd worksheet.
I need to have the 2nd worksheet become the active sheet, and close the
first worksheet before I proceed. I'm trying to name the workbooks so I can
activate either one, but what I really need to do is have the 2nd worksheet
continue calling macros after the 1st sheet has been closed.
The code I'm using is below.

Sub timeout()

Dim wbSource As Workbook, wbZip As Workbook
Dim wbName As String
wbName = Range("A2").Value
wbZip = ActiveWorkbook
wbSource = wbName

ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True


Call ZipTheFile

End Sub


After I read this it didn't make sense. The worksheets are already named. I'm
trying to capture those names in variables. But again, what I'm really trying
to do is open a 2nd workbook (always the same name), call a macro in the 2nd
workbook from the 1st workbook, make the 2nd workbook active, close the 1st
workbook (without changing the name, although the names of the 1st workbook
will always be different) and then continue running macros in the 2nd
workbook after the 1st is closed. I'm also writing data from workbook 1 to 2
before closeing 1. That make's better sense now!


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