worksheet no longer copies



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Trying to copy a budget to create one sheet for every month, when the right click, move or copy worksheet, create copy, move to end option just quit allowing additional worksheets. Found an archive indicating a VBA issue?

Not sure what a VBA is or if it can be resolved. Anything new on this issue?



It has nothing to do with VBA because there is no VBA in Office 2008 :)

I'm guessing that you may be running into a memory limitation ‹ Have you
tried closing the file, Quitting Excel, then opening the file & trying
again? Are you aware that you can select multiple sheets, then Move/Copy the
entire group at once rather than one copy at a time? Click one tab (Sheet1),
Shift-Click another (Sheet10), then Move/Copy the selected sheets.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks Bob, All worked fine this AM after a good night sleep and quit - reopen. Thanks for tip as well.

Is it memory in excel or computer in whole. Asking if restarting should be considered if quit - reopen doesn't do the trick. (I tried quit - reopen last night to no avail.)



Well, memory (RAM) is a system resource allocated by the OS based on the
request of the app being launched & relative to what's available at that
time. There are quite a few variables involved, so trying to figure it out
is basically a waste of time for most users. What tends to happen is that
there are 'leaks' that occur when the computer is left running for
continuous periods of time & if apps are left running as well it gets worse.

The best practice [IMHO] is to Quit your apps when you aren't using them &
restart your Mac no less than every other day. If you use any one major app
more extensively than others, launch it first or Quit any other programs
beforehand. It sometimes doesn't reclaim much when you re-launch an app if
there are already several others running.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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