Worksheet protected-auto filter works, show all button dosen't.


Pink Gorman

Have a worksheet with multiple columns of data and auto filter set. Have a
"show all" button selected. As long as sheet is not protected everything is
fine. If I protect the worksheet the auto filter works fine but "show all"
dosen't. Solution?


Pink Gorman

Jim Thomlinson

One of the options in protection is to allow the user to edit objects. Ensure
that it is checked along with use autofilter... I am assuming you are talking
about a macro button and that your version of XL is XP or better...

Dave Peterson

I think you'll have to either show all the data--one field at a time.

Or maybe provide a macro that unprotects the sheet, does a showall, then
reprotects the sheet.

That builtin ShowAll button won't work if the sheet is protected.

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