Worksheet reference vs Worksheet("").Activate



Is there a way to avoid changing back and forth between Worksheets in order
to execute a certain command in another work area (Worksheet)?

Is there something that refers to a Worksheet which, if placed before an
ActiveCell statement as is the case below, will refer to the ActiveCell of
another Worksheet and not the current one???? I remember from my Clipper days
that we could precede any function with a Workarea reference and the command
would first switch to the specified workarea, execute and then return to the
current workarea by itself.

Case : Move records of a specific invoice from a database to another
worksheet for reporting. Locate an invoice, "walk" through it moving its
items to the Report Worksheet one by one, and then move on...

loadLine = 1
While Left(ActiveCell.Value, workKeyLen) = workKey

work1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value
work2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value
work3 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value

ActiveCell.Offset(loadLine, 0).Value = work1
ActiveCell.Offset(loadLine, 1).Value = work2
ActiveCell.Offset(loadLine, 2).Value = work3

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
loadLine = loadLine + 1


Can I do without the 2 Worksheet.Activate(s)???

Harald Staff

Sure. You can move data just like this without activating any of the sheets:

Worksheets("Report").Range("A2").Value =
Worksheets("Report").Cells(2, 1).Value = Worksheet("Data").Cells(14,
or a combination of the two.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

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