worksheet set up



How do I determine the ticket price for an event? Do I set up the worksheet
like a budget? Is there a formula that I would use?

Billy Liddel

No formula AFAIK. This might give you a start:

Event Costs
Venue 10
Artists 10
Staff 10
Publicity 10
Stationery 10
Petrol 10
Entertainment 10
Misc 10
Total Costs 80
Profit Required 100
Required Revenue 180

Maximum Tickets 20
Minimum Tickets 10

Max Ticket Price 9
Min Ticket Price 18

B10 contains the formula =SUM(B2:B9)
B12 contains the formula =B10+B11
B17 contains the formula =$B$12/B14 and copied down to B18.

This is more akin to a Profit & Loss sheet. To get a buget you can use this
set up and have months in each column to show the expenditure as you need to
pay it. You might want an actual date column when the expense is actually


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