worksheet tabs don't show up



Have you ever had this happen: you open an Excel file and the tabs for
the worksheets, which you know should be there because the person who
sent it to you tells you they're there, don't show up.

You can fix it by doing

Tools > Options > View > (check) Sheet Tabs


Window > Arrange > Hit OK on the dialog box that comes up

but why should you have to? Is this a bug in the application, or what?


Dave Peterson

I've never seen the first option fix it (unless the sender hid the tabs before
sending the workbook).

And my guess for the second one has to do more with the display characteristics
of you pc than excel. I use 1024x768 as my display settings. Some people use
less (some more).

I'm guessing that excel tries to remember where the windows were when the last
person closed the file. If the settings are dissimilar enough, the window opens
partially off the screen.

I've seen this more with workbooks that when the pcs that are fighting it out
are laptops and desktops.

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