here's what i'm trying to do:
have a workbook as db;
x1 map_nameitem_code Jan-03 Fev-03 Mar-03
a fstock ibz 3
a bstock ibz 6
b fstock ibu 7
a bstock irz 5
have another to input data (by the end user). the data is input with normal desinged maps with xl cells;
a fstock ibz 3
a fstock ibu 4
a fstock irz 5
b fstock ibz 6
b fstock ibu 7
b fstock irz 8
have another to sort the data (choosed by the end user).
what i can't do is to put the date inputed in the correct db cells.
i've than so far the followes:
Dim count As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim tabela As String
Dim look As String
Dim column As Integer
Dim rg As Range
count = Workbooks("BDs").Worksheets("bd_lx").Range("A2").Value
column = 3
For n = 4 To count
look = Workbooks("BDs").Worksheets("bd_lx").Range("B" & n).Value
tabela = Workbooks("BDs").Worksheets("bd_lx").Range("A" & n).Value
rg = tabela
Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(look, rg, column, False).Select
Range("B:" & n).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Next n
please help!
here's what i'm trying to do:
have a workbook as db;
x1 map_nameitem_code Jan-03 Fev-03 Mar-03
a fstock ibz 3
a bstock ibz 6
b fstock ibu 7
a bstock irz 5
have another to input data (by the end user). the data is input with normal desinged maps with xl cells;
a fstock ibz 3
a fstock ibu 4
a fstock irz 5
b fstock ibz 6
b fstock ibu 7
b fstock irz 8
have another to sort the data (choosed by the end user).
what i can't do is to put the date inputed in the correct db cells.
i've than so far the followes:
Dim count As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim tabela As String
Dim look As String
Dim column As Integer
Dim rg As Range
count = Workbooks("BDs").Worksheets("bd_lx").Range("A2").Value
column = 3
For n = 4 To count
look = Workbooks("BDs").Worksheets("bd_lx").Range("B" & n).Value
tabela = Workbooks("BDs").Worksheets("bd_lx").Range("A" & n).Value
rg = tabela
Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(look, rg, column, False).Select
Range("B:" & n).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Next n
please help!