

Chip Pearson


The primary difference between using or not using WorksheetFunction is how
errors are handled. When you use WorksheetFunction and an error occurs, a
trappable error is raised by VBA. For example,

Dim V As Variant
V = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(1, "A", 3)

will raise an error 1004, and this can be trapped by an On Error statement.

When you do not use WorksheetFunction, the result of the function is a error
typed variant , but code does not stop executing and no trappable error is
raised. For example,

Dim V As Variant
V = Application.Sum(1, "A", 3)
Debug.Print V

(Note that if V is declared as a numeric type, you'll get an error 13, type
mismatch, because VBA can't put an error typed value in a numeric variable.)

Whether you do or do not use WorksheetFunction is a matter of personal
coding style. I tend to use it because I rarely use the Variant variable
type, and I like the intellisense support when typing.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC


I have noticed in the advice given on this grouop that when a
worksheetfunction is used the syntax is to include
"Application.Worksheetfunction" before the relative function. For along time
now I have utilised worksheet functions by simply adding "application"
before the function. What are the benifits in using the longer statement?



Many thanks for your detailed answer, definately another string added to my


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