Worksheets in a formulae



In my workbook to work out efficiences and such I have a total of 6 sheets.
One for each day of the week and one for the oberall efficiences on the week
(based on a five day working week).

On each sheet there is four different sections that can be printed out
independantly of each other if required. Each one os theese sections require
a date.

Each worksheet is also named by the date. E.G Sheet one will be 080208,
sheet two 090208 and so on.

Is there any way that I can take the worksheet name (the date) and using a
formulae or some such to insert it into that days work sheet.

So at the beggining of the week I don't have to enter every last date



This formula will return the sheet name once the workbook has been saved at
least once:

You could set up one cell with that formula in it that will give the
information and then base any other use of the sheet name/date from that
cell. You can even put it in cell A1 itself. Assuming it's in A1, you can
use these formulas to either make it look like a data or actually be a date:

look like a date
=LEFT(A1,2) & "/" & MID(A1,3,2) & "/" & RIGHT(A1,2)

turn it into a date:
=DATE("20" & RIGHT(A1,2),LEFT(A1,2), MID(A1,3,2))

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