Worksheets within a worksheet?



I need to make a separate worksheet for each State, which I can do, but within each one of the State worksheets I need a separate worksheet for each month. So I can tab through the information for each month for each State. Essentially, when I click on a State, a new set of tabs labeled with the months starting with January appear and then I am able to scroll through each month's information for that particular State. Is this possible?

Lady Layla


: I need to make a separate worksheet for each State, which I can do, but within
each one of the State worksheets I need a separate worksheet for each month. So
I can tab through the information for each month for each State. Essentially,
when I click on a State, a new set of tabs labeled with the months starting with
January appear and then I am able to scroll through each month's information for
that particular State. Is this possible?


Hi Ceemo33

Not the way you describe it..........but you can set up one WorkBook with a
tab at the bottom for each state, then if your "Monthly data" is only say
the size of one 8 1/2 x 11" piece of paper, then you can put 12 of them on
one sheet and Freexe-frame a few rows at the top and therein put macro
buttons to navigate would be "close" to what you're looking

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

ceemo33 said:
I need to make a separate worksheet for each State, which I can do, but
within each one of the State worksheets I need a separate worksheet for each
month. So I can tab through the information for each month for each State.
Essentially, when I click on a State, a new set of tabs labeled with the
months starting with January appear and then I am able to scroll through
each month's information for that particular State. Is this possible?


I think this is what you needed to know.

Yes, you can. Build one workbook, with several worksheets
within it. Although you CANNOT use "TAB" to navigate among
them, you can use the "CTRL + Page Up" or "CTRL + Page
Down" keys to navigate through them.

Good Luck, Elsa

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