would appreciate some Input.



If some one can go to my web site and offer some sugestions on revamping it.
Iv'e just started building and I would appreciate some Input.
(I forgot to give my web address.)

Tom J


You have to start with a theme of some sort with menus, and get all the large
text down to size and in the proper place. Look at the above sites to get
some ideas to help you decide how you want to do yours. FP has huge help
files to get you started, but you do have to read them before you can put them
to work for you. There is no magic button to push to build a decent website.

Tom J


I ammaware that their Is no magic button but, what I was getting at was (
which I forgot to mention I my website Is about my music. now Im aware that
I have to build It but I'm overwhelmed where do I at least staret?


Look at other peoples websites and find something that appeals to you.
Then try and emulate it in your own way..
Get a good book and learn the basics....an incentive to learn when you have
something to strive for...
Try to not bite off something too big to chew at first ..be realistic.
and of course most important ...PLAN>
Write it all down first...a peice of paper for each of your pages.
This will get a good picture in your mind what you wish to achieve and the
end result.

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