wrap around text in Excell cells


Leslie James

I've recently switched to Office:Mac from longtime use of Appleworks.
I love the change, but I still have lots of little things to figure
out - LIKE: How do I get text to wrap around in one cell, so if the
cell is large enough, there could be more than one line of text within
the cell, instead of it just one straight line at the bottom of the


Hi Leslie,

This is a Word NG, but your subject header mentions Excel. Since the solution is different for Word and Excel, which app are you
referring to?


Leslie James

Hi Leslie,

This is a Word NG, but your subject header mentions Excel. Since the solution is different for Word and Excel, which app are you
referring to?
Oh, I goofed. I'm meaning this question for Excell, so I'm in the
wrong forum with this question. Though it sounds like you may have
the answer anyway. Shoot if you do.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Leslie James said:
I've recently switched to Office:Mac from longtime use of Appleworks.
I love the change, but I still have lots of little things to figure
out - LIKE: How do I get text to wrap around in one cell, so if the
cell is large enough, there could be more than one line of text within
the cell, instead of it just one straight line at the bottom of the


Hi Leslie -

Go to Format> Cells - Alignment, tick the box for Wrap Text.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Hi Leslie,

This is a Word NG, but your subject header mentions Excel. Since the solution
is different for Word and Excel, which app are you
referring to?
Oh, I goofed. I'm meaning this question for Excell, so I'm in the
wrong forum with this question. Though it sounds like you may have
the answer anyway. Shoot if you do.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Leslie James said:
I've recently switched to Office:Mac from longtime use of Appleworks.
I love the change, but I still have lots of little things to figure
out - LIKE: How do I get text to wrap around in one cell, so if the
cell is large enough, there could be more than one line of text within
the cell, instead of it just one straight line at the bottom of the

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