Here is a function that I found and modified to allow setting the column
widths and whether the info is justified left or right in the column.
Private Function pfRangeToFile(rngRange As Range, strFile As String, _
Optional strDelimiter As Variant, Optional _
strEncloser As Variant) As Boolean
'= Procedure: pfRangeToFile
'= Procedure Type: Private Function
'= Version: 1.0.0 at 18/06/98
'= Action: Initial Write
'= Author: Robert Bruce
'= Description: Converts a worksheet range into a character
'= separated text file.
'= Arguments: rngRange - Range - the range to export. strFile -
'= string - the name of the export file to create.
'= strDelimiter - Optional string - the delimiting
'= character: Defaults to comma. strEncloser -
'= Optional string - the enclosing character for each
'= field: defaults to empty string
'= Returns: Boolean - True if export was successful.
Dim intFileNum As Integer
Dim intRowCount As Integer, intColCount As Integer
Dim strTemp As String, strDlmtr As String, strEnclsr As String
On Error GoTo pfRangeToFileError
' Make sure option values/defaults are set
If IsMissing(strDelimiter) Then strDlmtr = "," Else _
strDlmtr = strDelimiter
If IsMissing(strEncloser) Then strEnclsr = "" Else _
strEnclsr = strEncloser
' Get free file number
intFileNum = FreeFile()
' Open the file
Open strFile For Output As #intFileNum
' Loop through range constructing delimited string for
' each row.
For intRowCount = 1 To rngRange.Rows.Count
' Initialise temp string
strTemp = ""
For intColCount = 1 To rngRange.Columns.Count
' If we're not looking at the first column then we need
' to add a delimeter
If Not intColCount = 1 Then strTemp = strTemp & strDlmtr
'--------------- ADDED CODE ------
stradd = ""
Case 1
strlen = 9
strlft = 1
Case 2
strlen = 13
strlft = 1
Case 3
strlen = 1
strlft = 1
Case 4
strlen = 8
strlft = 0
Case 5
strlen = 9
strlft = 1
Case 6
strlen = 16
strlft = 1
Case 7
strlen = 2
strlft = 1
Case 8
strlen = 1
strlft = 1
stradd = "000000000000"
End Select
If strlen - Len(rngRange.Cells(intRowCount, intColCount).Value) > 0 Then
numadd = strlen - Len(rngRange.Cells(intRowCount, intColCount).Value)
numadd = 0
End If
stradd = stradd & Space(numadd)
' Add the value in the column - PUT TO THE LEFT OF VALUE IF STRLFT=0
If strlft = 1 Then
strTemp = strTemp & strEnclsr & rngRange.Cells(intRowCount,
intColCount).Value & strEnclsr & stradd
strTemp = strTemp & strEnclsr & stradd & rngRange.Cells(intRowCount,
intColCount).Value & strEnclsr
End If
Next intColCount
' Print the whole row to the file
Print #intFileNum, strTemp & ""
' Next row
Next intRowCount
' Close the file
Close #intFileNum
' All OK if we've reached here
pfRangeToFile = True
Exit Function
' Show error message
MsgBox "Export Failed: The VB Error Was As Follows:" & _
Chr(13) & Error(Err), vbCritical
pfRangeToFile = False
End Function