I have a question about write-protection.
We have Office 2000 and I have the problem with both Excel and word (maybe
other aswell, haven´t tried). We I open a document it says "write-protected"
by the name of the document. I wan´t to take that it away. If I go to the
properties of the document the "write-protection"-box isn´t checked. How do
I remove this setting?
Hope to get an answer soon.
We have Office 2000 and I have the problem with both Excel and word (maybe
other aswell, haven´t tried). We I open a document it says "write-protected"
by the name of the document. I wan´t to take that it away. If I go to the
properties of the document the "write-protection"-box isn´t checked. How do
I remove this setting?
Hope to get an answer soon.