Write report against infopath data in forms library



Is there a way to write a report that can query against form data acquired
through an infopath form?

This gets back to the whole issue surrounding the printing of the data form
created with InfoPath. Management doesn't like the output for printing and
in particular seeing form controls on the print job.

Thank you for your thoughts.



I guess what troubles me is how this could become such a viable solution in
the enterprise world when you can't even generate a useable print job from
the data you are accumulating. Especially if 80% of your users are using the
Web display and not the client.

In my case I have a form that has several repeating tables. However, if the
user's enter enough data to invoke the use of the scroll bar the print job is
ruined because you'll never see all of the data contained within the table.

As it stands right now, I can't sell this tool to management just due to the
fact that I can't create a useable print job from the gathered data.

Thanks for your thoughts.


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