write text from email into table



I've written a macro to pull comma-separated text from emails, which I want
to put into a table

Dim folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim MailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim arr() As String
Dim aaa As String
Set folder = GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders.Item("AAA").Folders.Item("BBB")
For Each MailItem In folder.Items
arr = Split(MailItem.Body, vbCrLf)
For Each aaa in arr
???what do I put here (For Excel, I would shove into cells) ????
Next aaa
Next arr
Set folder = Nothing
Set MailItem = Nothing

Here is a sample of the text
"ABA",0,4616,100.00,13/08/08 12:26
"ABB",0,3669,100.00,13/08/08 12:26
"ABC",470,28417,98.35,13/08/08 12:26

What do I need to do to put the text into a table named KPI53
with fields called
Do I need to set up a Query (which is alien to me) and other stuff ??

bhicks11 via AccessMonster.com

If you can already put it into Excel I would take the easy road and make a
link in Access to that Excel spreadsheet. Then you can run the query you
mentioned that appends the data as you describe. Use the query designer.



I found that I can use an SQL to put it into the table like this
db.Execute ("INSERT INTO KPI53 VALUES (" & aaa & ")")
Although this is a very neat one-liner, easier than using Excel, I wondered
if Access has some other "fancy" way.

I'm not a novice with VB & Excel & SQL, but I am with Access, and I'm
curious if any Access experts can start me off in a different direction.

bhicks11 via AccessMonster.com

Very interesting consort911 - I haven't done this but I found a site that
might help you:


I think this could come in handy and I'm going to fool with it myself.
Thanks to you!

I found that I can use an SQL to put it into the table like this
db.Execute ("INSERT INTO KPI53 VALUES (" & aaa & ")")
Although this is a very neat one-liner, easier than using Excel, I wondered
if Access has some other "fancy" way.

I'm not a novice with VB & Excel & SQL, but I am with Access, and I'm
curious if any Access experts can start me off in a different direction.
If you can already put it into Excel I would take the easy road and make a
link in Access to that Excel spreadsheet. Then you can run the query you
[quoted text clipped - 29 lines]


wow, that link is very interesting. My first step was to write macros in
Access to "pull" data from Outlook, and my next step was to then write macros
in Outlook to "push" data into Access. That link provides a lot of useful
insights, cheers !!!

bhicks11 via AccessMonster.com said:
Very interesting consort911 - I haven't done this but I found a site that
might help you:


I think this could come in handy and I'm going to fool with it myself.
Thanks to you!

I found that I can use an SQL to put it into the table like this
db.Execute ("INSERT INTO KPI53 VALUES (" & aaa & ")")
Although this is a very neat one-liner, easier than using Excel, I wondered
if Access has some other "fancy" way.

I'm not a novice with VB & Excel & SQL, but I am with Access, and I'm
curious if any Access experts can start me off in a different direction.
If you can already put it into Excel I would take the easy road and make a
link in Access to that Excel spreadsheet. Then you can run the query you
[quoted text clipped - 29 lines]
Do I need to set up a Query (which is alien to me) and other stuff ??

bhicks11 via AccessMonster.com

Good, good!

wow, that link is very interesting. My first step was to write macros in
Access to "pull" data from Outlook, and my next step was to then write macros
in Outlook to "push" data into Access. That link provides a lot of useful
insights, cheers !!!
Very interesting consort911 - I haven't done this but I found a site that
might help you:
[quoted text clipped - 20 lines]

Steve Schapel


Just a technicality... what you are referring to here is VBA procedures.
In Access, macros are a quite different beast!


Hi Steve, sorry I've got "notify me of replies" ticked, but I'm not getting
email notifications.

Anyway, in Excel & Word & PowerPoint, the macros and the VB modules are one
and the same, whereas in Access, there is a Macros "object" (which I ignore)
and I use the "Modules" object which then resembles the way that Excel is
laid out.

Also, I read a couple of the posts under Programming, but the language being
used did not sound as VB as the language being used in some of the posts here
under Macros. So I think I've made a common mistake by posting in the wrong
sub-section here.

Maybe someone at Microsoft should have been a bit more semantically aware
and called the Macros object something else like "Functions" ??

Brian H

Steve Schapel

consort911 said:
Maybe someone at Microsoft should have been a bit more semantically aware
and called the Macros object something else like "Functions" ??

I agree, Brian. It is very confusing. To be honest, I don't know
historically which came first. Maybe the sematic awareness should
really be applied to the "others", and the VBA procedures in Word and
Excel etc should not have been called Macros.

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