writing a formula



Hi, I have a very basic question. I have a spreadsheet that has inventory
data for my company and need to create a formula to see what I have on hand
at any given time. I need quantity in column D to add quantity in column I
and subtract quantity in columns, g,h and j and the total to be in column k.
I need this to automatically update if possible everytime I add newly ordered
merchandise. I need this for lines 2 thru 392. Please help, I have treid and
tried and can't get it to work.

Thanks in advance for any help


Thank you so very much, that formula works but only in that row, I can't seem
to drag it down. Any suggestions?

David Biddulph

Drag it by the fill-handle, which is the little square in the bottom
right-hand corner of the cell when you select it.


To drag it all you need to is click once on k2, make sure you do not double
click for that will leave you on editing mode and the draging won't work.
Anyway, you will notice that the cell now has a dark rectangle around it
(that indicates what cell you are on) if you carefully move your cursor to
its bottom right corner, you will see it change from square cross into a line
Cross, this is the time you click on your mouse and hold it draging it all
the way to k392, if you pass k392 don't worry about it you can always delete
those cells you went pass by.
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Michael Arch.

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