Let me explain exactly what I am trying to accomplish, I have a
document that has several section breaks. basically one doc. for
several vendors so section 1 is going to be given to vendor A,
section 2 to Vendor B, and so on. At the Start of each section there
is a Header. Below the Header there is a the Vendor Name and
Address, which is consistent through out the document, and always in
the same position- <Header> (one return) <Vendor Name and Address>. I
want Vendor Name and Address Bolded.
I hope this message is more clear then the 1st one. I will try your
suggestion and any other Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Tony Jollans said:
Yes, if you define what you mean by "line". Lines are
printer-dependent and are not necessarily always the same unless you
have explicitly delimited them. If you really mean paragraphs, here
is one way:
For Each Sect In ActiveDocument.Sections
With Sect.Range.Find
.Text = "[!^13]@^13[!^13]@^13[!^13]@^13"
.Replacement.Font.Bold = True
.MatchWildcards = True
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne
End With
Freida said:
I have a document with several sections in it. Is it possible for
me to write a macro that bolds the first 3 lines of each section?