writing an error routine in case it doesn't save both files



This macro is dangerous. It works nicely but if the file isn't there or the
name gets changed then it writes the text file to the original instead of a
copy. Can you help me write an error routine? Something like if the
original name changes or sheet1 name changes then a big error message that
this file is corrupted start over something like that?


Sub saveIndesign()
'Appends date to filename so as to not write over an existing file

' saveIndesign Macro

Const fPath As String = "Mac OS X:"
Const fName As String = "Indesign"
Const fName1 As String = "SSP"

'do the save first as a txt file

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fPath & fName & Format(Now,
"yyyymmdd_hhmmss") & ".txt"

'then save as a normal workbook or the existing file will be changed to a
text file which is not what you want

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fPath & fName1 & Format(Now,
"yyyymmdd_hhmmss") & ".xls", FileFormat:=xlWorkbookNormal

MsgBox "2 Files Saved " & fName & fPath & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd_hhmmss") &
" ; " & fName1 & fPath & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd_hhmmss")

End Sub

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