Writing automation clients for versions of Office including 2007


Mark Booth

I have code that binds to the PIA for Word 2000 that I need to keep running.
One of my clients wants to upgrade to 2007 and I would like to make the same
code work for both. All of the kb articles I have read imply this should be
OK as long as I use the earlier references, but they only discuss the
versions from 97 to 2003. When I try to use the code with 2007 I get

Am I missing some documentation? or can anyone advise me whether what I want
to do is possible (and give me a clues as to how to do it!)



Auch, Interface implementation problems (the PIA's) ...

I'm afraid y'll have to wait for fully Office 2007 supported PIA's for this.


Vista/Office Ultimate
VS2005/VSTO2005 SE

Mark Booth

Thank you, Perry. When I opened VS it said it was updating my references, so
I had assumed, obviously wrongly, that it was fixing the PIAs. I don't
suppose anyone has any idea when they will be available, or why they should
be seen as an unncessary extra for delivery whenever? I seem to recollect
something about "developers, developers, developers"...

Sorry couldn't resist that.


Mark Booth

Having thought for a few seconds longer, the PIA for 2007 might solve the
IEHExceptions, but I shouldn't be getting them if 2007 continued the
consistency with earlier versions.

The PIA won't let me use the same executable for multiple versions of Word,
I will need to recompile and keep separate codebases for 2007 and earlier.

I assume that the v-tables have been changed in 2007. I seem to have to do a
lot of assuming, in the apparent absence of any documentation.

KB 245115 talks about having to work around "compatibility problems between
multiple versions of a component that has improperly modified or adapted its
interface between versions" which sounds like what I have here.

mmm... "improperly"...


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