Writing other peoples calendar




When accessing other peoples calendar i get a security warning.
I think that redemption can help me out, but i cant find the methods
for it.

Posting my code (C#)

private OfficeApplication m_Application = null;
private NameSpace m_NameSpace = null;

m_Application = OutlookApplication.Create();
if (m_Application == null)
return false;


m_NameSpace = m_Application.Session;

Recipient olRecipientToOpen = null;
olRecipientToOpen = m_NameSpace.GetRecipientFromID( CalendarId );

m_NameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(olRecipientToOpen ,

It is the "GetRecipientFromID" that causes the security issue.
I dont know the name of the MailBox only the CalendarID.

Thanks in advance

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

That method only applies if you have an EntryID for a specific Recipient,
not a folder ID.

You need to create a Recipient object using something like CreateRecipient,
where you supply the email address or Exchange DN for that Recipient object.
If you don't have that you can't proceed.

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