I've created a pretty complicated workbook in Mac OS X and would like
it to be used on a Windows machine also. Of course, the problem is that
the font size on the Mac displays larger on the Windows machine and
many of the cells can't display the values in Windows. For example, the
number 130 may look like a 30 on the Windows machine because the
displayed font gets so big that the cell can't contain it.
What can I do to about this? Is there a way to globally reduce the font
size of all cells by a certain amount so that I can port this to
it to be used on a Windows machine also. Of course, the problem is that
the font size on the Mac displays larger on the Windows machine and
many of the cells can't display the values in Windows. For example, the
number 130 may look like a 30 on the Windows machine because the
displayed font gets so big that the cell can't contain it.
What can I do to about this? Is there a way to globally reduce the font
size of all cells by a certain amount so that I can port this to