Writing To Text File: How To Flush The Buffer?



Got a routing that works, sort of.

I do a FreeFile, followed by Open For Append As... to get a pointer,
then I keep passing the same pointer to my little routine whenever I
want to write
another line to the text file.

Problem is that the lines I write are not appearing in the file
until sometime after I write them.

This becomes a problem if things go South after I've written but
before the file has been updated.

Is there some way to force a write when I do my Print

Or do I need to keep opening/closing the file every time I write?

Private Sub logFile_Write(ByVal theLine As String, ByVal
theFilePointer As Integer)
4000 DebugStackPush mModuleName & ":logFile_Write"
4001 On Error GoTo logFile_Write_err

' PURPOSE: To write a single line to the cash import log file.
' ACCEPTS: - Line tb written
' - Pointer to already-opened file

4002 Dim myLine As String

4010 myLine = Format$(Now(), "hh:nn:ss") & " " & theLine
4999 Print #theFilePointer, myLine

On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub

BugAlert True, ""
Resume logFile_Write_xit
End Sub


... lines ... not appearing ... until sometime after I write them.

My suspicion is that the "Close" statement is what's currently taking
care of that.


dude, you're actually using Access to handle cash?

there is -NO- security available with jet, you do know that, right?

they removed security from access 2007 (format) because it was so easy
to crack



Or do I need to keep opening/closing the file every time I write?

I wimped - took the easy path and just open/close the file for every

Case Closed.

Tony Toews [MVP]

PeteCresswell said:
I wimped - took the easy path and just open/close the file for every

I would usually recommend that every time anyhow. However be aware of the following
factor when it comes to .txt files.

The Haunted Door

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/


Per Tony Toews [MVP]:
I would usually recommend that every time anyhow. However be aware of the following
factor when it comes to .txt files.

The Haunted Door

I can see it: Beeeeeeg log...... Beeeg problem....

Luckily for me at the moment:

- This is the log of a batch job run in the wee hours
(i.e. no practical time limit)

- Expected log size < 200 lines.

But it sure is something to keep in mind.

Sounds like my initial instinct to create the handle and then
just keep passing it around had some merit.

Tony Toews [MVP]

(PeteCresswell) said:
- This is the log of a batch job run in the wee hours
(i.e. no practical time limit)

- Expected log size < 200 lines.

Ah, then no problem.
But it sure is something to keep in mind.

Sounds like my initial instinct to create the handle and then
just keep passing it around had some merit.

I needed to do something similar a while back to figure out a failing API call. I
just called a subroutine passing some text. The sub did the open with append, wrote
the data and closed the txt file.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/



some of the shit that you admit to-- it's just insane

you're just a fucking idiot-- you've written ONE application and
you've attempted ONE upsizing.. and you think that you can run
around-- telling people to 'not use hungarian just because you're a
dipshit canuck who can't spell'


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