Writing VBA Help Needed



I want to set up a time sensitive Rule for incoming documents. I found this
in the help on MS Website, but I don't have a clue how to modify it for

Please help....

I need to have it send emails to (e-mail address removed) between 6 pm and 9 am Monday
through Friday and from Friday nite at 6 pm to 9am Monday morning (All
weekend mail to the email addres identified above). All other times the
email should go to (e-mail address removed). I am not familiar with VBA lanquage so I
don't know where to really start on this. Any help would be great.


Public WithEvents myOlItems As Outlook.Items

Public Sub Application_Startup()

' Reference the items in the Inbox. Because myOlItems is declared
' "WithEvents" the ItemAdd event will fire below.
Set myOlItems = Outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items

End Sub

Private Sub myOlItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)

' If it's currently not between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
If Time() < #9:00:00 AM# Or Time() > #5:00:00 PM# Then

' Check to make sure it is an Outlook mail message, otherwise
' subsequent code will probably fail depending on what type
' of item it is.
If TypeName(Item) = "MailItem" Then

' Forward the item just received
Set myForward = Item.Forward

' Address the message
myForward.Recipients.Add "(e-mail address removed)"

' Send it

End If

End If

End Sub


Based on your description and the sample code you provided, it sounds
like this is what you need.

Public WithEvents myOlItems As Outlook.Items

Public Sub Application_Startup()
' Reference the items in the Inbox. Because myOlItems is declared
' "WithEvents" the ItemAdd event will fire below.
Set myOlItems = Outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder
End Sub

Private Sub myOlItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)

Dim recipient As String
Const firstRecip As String = "(e-mail address removed)"
Const secondRecip As String = "(e-mail address removed)"

' no point in checking the time if it isn't an email!
If TypeName(Item) <> "MailItem" Then Exit Sub

' If it's currently not between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
If (Time() < #9:00:00 AM#) Or (Time() > #6:00:00 PM#) Then

' use first recipient
recipient = firstRecip


' check if it's a weekend, but regular hours
' Saturday and Sunday also fwd to after hours recip
Select Case Weekday(Now, vbMonday)
Case Is > 6
recipient = firstRecip
Case Else
recipient = secondRecip
End Select

Else ' it's during the day
recipient = secondRecip
End If

' Forward the item just received
Set myForward = Item.Forward
' Address the message
myForward.Recipients.Add recipient
' Send it

End Sub

Just paste it into the ThisOutlookSession module in your Outlook
VBIDE. Write back if you need to know how to do that.

And I have to ask, if ALL emails during business hours need to be send
to a different email address, why not just tell the senders to send it
THERE instead? Then you wouldn't need this complicated routing code.


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