wrong date display in mail merge



Hello all,
I'm using XP, Access 2000 and word 2000. I have set up a simple databse and
mail merge letter. All the merge fields work fine except <InsolvencyDate>.
It is required that the date display in the mail merge letter as dd/mmm/yy,
but it displays as the american version, mm/dd/yyyy. I have checked regional
settings and have also set the format and input mask, both in the databsae
table and data entry form, but no change in the letter display.
Any ideas anyone? The letter is useless to my job the way it is.
Thanks in advance

Peter Jamieson

Use Alt-F9 to display the "underlying field code" of your field, which
should look something like

{ MERGEFIELD "InsolvencyDate" }


{ MERGEFIELD "InsolvencyDate" \*Mergeformat }

then type a "date format switch" into the field so that it looks like

{ MERGEFIELD "InsolvencyDate" \@"DD/MM/YYYY" }


{ MERGEFIELD "InsolvencyDate" \@"DD/MM/YYYY" \*Mergeformat }

Make sure you use upper case MM and not lower case mm (which means
Click Alt-F9 again

Select the MERGEFIELD field and press F9

Try the merge again.

If that doesn't fix the problem, you'll need to create a new query in Access
to return the right result. But let's see if that is necessary first.

Peter Jamieson

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