Wrong Icon for New Contacts


Chaplain Doug

Outlook 2003. We use a modified contact form as our default (a form I
created by modifying the standard contact form). Now, when new contacts are
added, they appear in the list view with a "postit" note icon rather than a
contact icon. How can I change this back to a contact icon? Thanks for the

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Might want to crosspost to the programming group where they can help you
figure out what you did wrong with this new form.


Mouse over the toolbar, click Customize, find the right icon, drag it
tothe toolbar; then right-click on the correct icon, click Copy, then
right click on the wrong icon, click Paste icon. THen drag the other
icon off the toolbar. Close.

Lady Dungeness
Crabby, but Great Legs!

On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 16:11:11 -0400, "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]"

|Might want to crosspost to the programming group where they can help you
|figure out what you did wrong with this new form.

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