Wrong picture size


Roger A Firth

Using WORD2000 & XPproSP3.

I create an image in PSP7 which measures 100pixels x 100pixels.

I copy & paste this into WORD and it has a size of 103x103 px.

I INSERT / PICTURE / FROM FILE this into WORD and it has a size of 98x98 px.

They look different sizes on screen, and in PICTURE PROPERTIES they both
register as SCALE=101%.

What is going on?

Surely they should import as 100px?

Just to check, I tried importing the same image to WORDPAD. Simlar, but not
exactly the same errors occured.

Another check I ran was to import the same image into IRFANVIEW. It showed
up correctly as 100px.

This suggests the error is in WORD.

Is it a fault, a glitch, by design?

Please help.


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