Wrong Venue


Ed Mullikin

I know I'm in the wrong newsgroup but perhaps someone can tell me the
correct one if I state my problem: Microsoft used to have a program called
(I think) Photodraw. It is no longer supported and my computer spit it out.
It would allow me to put maneuverable "thought" balloons over a character's
head in a photo which was quite useful for a paper I edit. Other photo
programs will do that but cumbersomely and are not nearly as flexible as the
Photodraw program. Any recommendations?


I know I'm in the wrong newsgroup but perhaps someone can tell me the
correct one if I state my problem: Microsoft used to have a program called
(I think) Photodraw. It is no longer supported and my computer spit it out.
It would allow me to put maneuverable "thought" balloons over a character's
head in a photo which was quite useful for a paper I edit. Other photo
programs will do that but cumbersomely and are not nearly as flexible as the
Photodraw program. Any recommendations?

FastStone Capture.
It is freeware and no-nonsense. As user-friendly as can be.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

On the AutoShape menu on the Drawing toolbar in Word there are several
speech and thought balloon shapes in the Callout palette. If your photo is
In Line With Text, format these as In Front of Text.

Ed Mullikin

Thank you for clearing up a problem that I have had with what you describe
in some of my Word documents but I am looking for a "Photo" program that
will do it easily like the old Microsoft "Photodraw". (I think I have the
name correct.)

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